Gangs are one of the major causes of murders and danger all around the world, therefore they are one of the main causes of fear.
One of the most feared gangs is the Mara Salvatrucha. This gang is commonly abreviated as Mara MS, and MS-13. It originated in los angeles and it is a criminal gang that has imparted fear throughout the US and other parts of the world to where they have spread(Canada, Mexico, and Central America). Most of the members thate make up the mara salvatrucha are latin americans and the gang members are mostly found in urban or suburban areas. The members of this gang are commonly characterized by tattoos all over their bodies (sometimes even on their faces). They have really cruel revenge codes which make them really notorious. The mara salvatrucha also communicates through their own sign language.
The gang members cause fear in all of the people that live around their community. These people have fear because they are not gang members, but they live in their same community so living so close to them creates fear in them. Another reason that people that are near these gang members feel fear is because the MS is like a family that is made up of violent people. Every day you see people murdered or women raped, and most of the time, it's the gang members who achieve these crimes. Another danger in gang comunities is that if you are not known in that community you might get killed if the gang members consider you a stranger or a threat. People also feel fear just by looking at them .This is because they have tattoos all over their bodies and use really baggy clothes so they don't look very friendly.
MS members are now getting younger kids from high schools so the gang has a future for when the big guys die. Most of the kids recluted are from public high school. These kids accept because they think it's cool, but actually they do not know the danger they are gettng themselves into. Mos gang members end up dead or in jail. It's almost imposible to get out of the gang once you are in it.
In conclusion gangs are a real threat in society. If we know kids who might think of getting into a gang we should teach them the dangers of being in a gang so that they will have a second thougt about making the biggest mistake of their lifes.